Greetngs Friend,
It’s been a very long time since I shared this type of blog, too long. I have made a commitment to myself to share with you far more often, this type of message. Why? Becuse it’s what I’m here to do.
In the process of sharing the kinds of messages based around what I believe is the stuff in life that matters, you too, will discover what you are on this planet to do. And the big break through is this…. no matter what your goal is, discovering what you are here to do, is key in accomplishing it. Did you get that? If your goal is business success, knowing what you were created for is crucial. And even if your goal is weight loss and health, it is vital that you know your purpose.
Now, while most are in complete agreement with the first part of that statement, some would argue with me on that second point. But, here’s the thing. for 30 years I’ve lived in 3 distint worlds, and what I’ve learned is that they are, in fact, ONE WORLD.
I’ve been blessed to get to live through some serious adversity (yes I said the word ‘blessed’, because If I hadn’t lived through it, I would NEVER know what I know today or be who I am. I’ve known a great deal of succeess in business. And I’ve been helping people get fit, lose weight and well for that entire period of time.
For the looooongest time I thought these worlds were seperate too. They’re not. Let me say that differently. THEY ARE NOT SEPARATE!! I know this because, due to what I’ve overcome, achieved, and helped others do, I’ve uncovered a very simple pattern.
Those who know what they’re here for are the ones who find it easiest to achieve a goal… any goal.
Let’s look at very simply. If your gift is one of taking care of people and you know that, knowing how to use that to the utmost in leading people, will get you to a business goal. Some have the gift of teaching. That gift can serve you well in accomplishing any life goal; like making more money, writing your book, even managing time. What if your gift is inspiring people? Learning how to connect that gift to losing the weight you want to lose, and to keeping weight off, if a secret sause recipe that no one is talking about. It’s because no one has made the connection. I know it because I’ve lived in all 3 worlds for 30 years.
There are many ways to uncover what your purpose, gifting, destiny, anointing or calling are. I usually teach at least 5 of the simplest ways at our retreats. (I like things that are simple.) And knowing how to uncover this is the most complex part. Good news, right? After you know it, the rest is fun, inspiring and energizing.
Do you know what you were born for? Do you want to know? There are only 5 main callings and yours can be uncoverd by answering only 4 questions. Stay tuned to my blog for my next article, to learn what they are. Your health, time, money, relationhips and your business will thank you.