“The game of wellness is like a game of boomerang, our exercise habit, what we eat and how we look at life return to us sooner or later with astounding accuracy.” – Donna Krech

I LOVE Wellness!! I’m very passionate about it! I post quite a bit on the subject on my social networks like Twitter and Facebook, so I decided to compile some of my most popular posts for you.

* A key component in Wellness is to stress less. Suggestion, instead of focusing on a thing you’re angry about, think long on what components you are grateful for. They’re there… I promise. The knot in your stomach will become a smile in your heart.

* What times of day do YOU feel the most energized, most wanting to really apply yourself? That’s your best time to go for a run, lift some weights, get in a class. If you’re feeling like you are without energy, go for a good, brisk walk. These are both keys to getting results.

* A surefire aide to defeat stress is a good ole fashioned Epsom Salt bath. Light candles, put on some soothing music and sink into a super warm tub that’s had this fabulous remedy added. The formula….sit back, relax and close your eyes. Tired muscles and bones will be soothed and your mind will rest. Don’t forget a great moisturizer when you get out…. the warm water can somewhat dry the skin, but a good moisture treatment will put it back and you’ll FEEL LIKE MILLION BUCKS! (a million less stressed bucks that is) :>)

* STRESS BUSTER—— a great laugh out loud movie…. seriously. Laughing out loud, even for a short time, even if you’re ‘making yourself laugh’ is good for the body physically, emotionally and psychologically.

* When you change your mind, you’ll change your body, I promise. Let’s do a simple weight loss and wellness producing exercise. Simply write down your most dominant thought during the day, regarding exercise or weight loss or food. Pick any day…. today is a good choice! What is the most dominant thought of your day regarding these subjects. Is it, “How am I going to succeed in maintaining or losing weight?” or is it about food, like, “What am I going to eat next,” or “How am I going to manage my food,” or “Oh my gosh, how am I going to get through this day without eating ‘x’?” Or is it, “I’m going to look and feel ‘x’.”
Your most dominant thought is what you are going to attract more of in your life. What you think about most is what you’re going to get. The subject of how to change your body aesthetically, begins with what you focus on… that is how you’ll begin to not only get the body you want… but keep it!!!