Families are undoubtedly our closest and often strongest relationships, but those relationships aren’t always easy. They can be the source of stress and frustration for sure. What if I told you there are 5 little words that will make your family happier and your bond stronger?

Guess what, there are. And these 5 little words create an immediate, powerful affect.

“I am proud of you.”

These 5 little words will make your family happier, and your bond with family members stronger.

One of the keys to success is to have successful relationships. We are not islands and we don’t get to the top by ourselves. And one of the key ways to grow successful in our relationships is to be “life-giving” people to others. With every person we meet, we either give life to or take life from. You know what I mean. There are people who encourage you and after spending time with them you feel built up. Then there are others who make you feel torn down. Successful people are people who have mastered the art of building up others. This is especially true of our families.

One of the ways we build up our families is to praise them. There is power in praising people! Something begins to happen in them, in you, and in your relationship when you praise someone. Can you remember a time when someone told you something about you in a praising manner? It was great, wasn’t it? You probably liked that person more after they praised you, didn’t you?

Now I am not talking about praising people for the sake of praising people. I am talking about honestly looking for and praising positive character traits and actions of your spouse and children. Don’t lie to them. If they have done something wrong, correct it, but when they do something right, praise it!

With that said, here are few ways to start praising the people in your family.

Character traits. Is your wife joyful? Is your husband hard-working? Is your son or daughter honest? Then let them know how much you appreciate that in them. Say something like this, “You know Tom, I think it is great that you are such a hard-worker. You really set a good example and I want you to know how much I appreciate that.” Simple!

Action. Same idea as above. “Sue, I don’t know if I have ever told you this, but I love how you always take action on the things you believe in. Thanks for that.”

Other ways you can show praise and appreciation is with a card or a gift.

Make it your goal to praise every member of your family at least once each day. If you can, praise them a few times a day. It will take work but it is possible. It just takes discipline and a little work.

Looking for effective ways to balance your life and reach your full potential?

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