Having been in the business of helping people lose weight since 1982 I have long been in the field of watching others get excited over the numbers on the scale going down. In 1986 I had my first encounter with helping people gain rather than lose. I stood in front of a group of about 300 people and found I knew how to help others gain confidence. It wasn’t in weight loss, though, it was in business and in life. It was, however, EXHILERATING! I had found my passion!

It wasn’t until a few years ago, unfortunately, that I figured out this building confidence thing was the key to permanent weight loss. Confidence GAIN was the answer— not weight LOSS! I knew it and I was excited about sharing it! But the road that lay before me would be full of challenge because I was still faced with people who believed that all they wanted was simply for the numbers on the scale to drop. Little by little, though, we’ve watched members receive the message of Never Ending Motivation and The Life Success Program and the results are incredible!

Now don’t worry, I’m not saying you won’t lose the weight. You will. I’m just saying you’ll no longer be a slave to the scale and everything else about your life will improve too!!! I am so excited I can barely contain myself!

In my article Thinking is Thin-king I described how focusing on what you want is far more powerfully positive-result-producing than focusing on what we don’t want. I shared how too often with regard to losing weight, or achieving any other goal for that matter, we need to focus on the benefits.

That’s long been one of my personal goals. To see folks who didn’t even like to exercise (especially those who didn’t like to exercise) fall in love with the benefits. You see too often when someone has weight to lose exercise is seen merely as the punishment for being overweight. And the irony is that those who maintain a healthy weight see controlling their weight as but one of the benefits to doing it. More often the reason a person exercises is to defeat stress, feel better overall, organize the time in their day, shape their legs, reduce cellulite, live longer, reduce blood pressure, get off of prescription drugs, build confidence, clear their minds, gain mental clarity to solve a problem their facing—- oh yes, and to keep weight off. Do you see the difference?

It’s all in our thin-king! Recently I received an email from one very special member in our Lima location. She’s struggled with her weight most of her life and has never liked to exercise. By George, look what’s happened now!! She’s losing weight, but for all the best reasons… the permanent kind…which means she’ll keep the weight off. She walks around on top of the world! She’s absolutely stunning! She beams when she talks. She doesn’t feel like she’s dieting and most importantly she’s fallen in love with the benefits of moving! Now keep in mind, please, as I share her email with you, she never liked to exercise!

Hi Donna!

Just wanted to let you know that EVEN with a terrible tooth ache problem and ultimate root canal…not feeling good all over my body…I found myself working in time today to get to Thin&Healthy’s Total Solution…..actually WANTING to do my exercises. Hurray!!!! This really is a change, for which I am so grateful!!!!

My THIN-KING is new!!!

Thank you for all you do to help me!


Even if you’ve never liked to exercise… especially if you’ve never liked to exercise… I know our information and programs can help you. Inside the message of Never Ending Motivation is where Susie discovered she didn’t really believe she would ever be at her goal. And once she discovered she learned how to change that belief and turn it into knowing she could be. She learned how to silence the conversation in her mind that told her she wouldn’t succeed. She found she could learn to focus on what she wanted to gain, as opposed to what she wanted to lose, and the result would be better!

We’re here to help you too! If you haven’t given yourself the gift of Never Ending Motivation do so now.  If you have it, then re-read it or listen to it again. Let it soak in and watch an NeverEndingMotivationamazing life unfold before you! If you have it and are utilizing it, avail yourself of The Victory Principle Set.

Whatever your story we can help. I’ve dedicated my life to seeing others achieve their goals. Even if on a scale of 1 to 10, with regard to where you are with your health and your weight, you’re a 1, I am thrilled to tell you I am a MASTER at getting you to a terrific top-of-the-world TEN!!!

Until next time, keep thin-king positively and powerfully!!!!!!!!!!!!