Motivation gives you the focus on “why” you want to achieve a goal. But the determination to defeat the things standing in your way (we call them Motivation Assassinators) is what’s really ensure you actually achieve your goals.

Motivation is what matters most. However, the determination is key.

So what does a Motivation Assassinator look like? Here’s a few examples:

If your goal is weight loss or better health, maybe you get very emotional and eat out of stress. Or you get bored and eat out of boredom. Maybe your time management needs to improve… your day is just too darn busy to stop and eat the right things or take time for exercise.

No matter whether your goal is financial, to make more money, or relational, to spend more quality time with your family, or any of other kind of goal, there might be other things happening to keep you from achieving it. There will always be Motivation Assassinators. We just have to learn to overcome them!

The motivation you need in order to hit your goal is already in you. It’s in you. You just need to know how to tap into it, because it is in there. It’s not outside of you somewhere. It’s already inside of you. You know that because you’ve achieved goals in the past. You’ve found the motivation to do something that you’ve wanted to do.

The other thing is determination. You just have to know how to tap into the determination to overcome these obstacles that are going to come against you.