I’ve had the privilege of coaching many business owners and entrepreneurs over the years. One of my favorite clients, Jill, already knew how to make her business make money. What she struggled with was how to get her team motivated to make the business money. She said it almost felt like “profit” was a bad word to her staff.  As a result, she had trouble motivating them to fully invest themselves in the growth and prosperity of the business.

Purpose Led Profit changed all that.

Here’s why…

Let me ask you a couple of questions…

  • What if everyone around you immediately understood the value your business creates?
  • What if both your team and customers were inspired by your company, and willing to happily share the value of your organization with others?
  • What if you had complete, 100% buy-in throughout your team, your customers, your prospects and even your community?

Under those circumstances, do you think you could boost profits for your business? Of course you could, right?

That’s exactly what a Purpose Led Profit model can do for your organization!

Whether your business is wildly successful, or struggling to make ends meet, you’re already keenly aware that in order to stay in business, you have to make a profit.

And let me be straight with you… profit is NOT a bad thing.

In fact, making a profit is what allows all of us as business owners to touch lives, and make a real difference for our families, friends, communities, even the world if we like.

Whatever your intentions as a business, the bigger your profits, the more you can grow, and expand your reach.

It’s when profit becomes your sole motive as a business that you cross the line.  Statistics prove that in the long-term, your team will not respond to monetary incentives alone.  They need to understand why you exist as an organization, and how their input helps achieve the bigger picture goals.

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