My prayer for us today… Father, I love the longing you’ve given me for learning. I love the ability to increase knowledge and then touch the lives around me with what I’ve learned. Today, Lord, I want to reiterate how I long to be in the purpose you’ve created me for, even more than I long to learn or apply what I’ve learned. I bring my petition to your throne to have the purpose you’ve called me to be even more obvious today than ever before. And Lord, I ask the same thing for my friend reading this prayer.
The wisdom of Proverbs tells us that we can make many plans, but your purpose prevails. How much easier it would be for all of us if we just focused each day on the purpose you’ve

Photo Credit, woodleywonderworks.
called us to. How much better it would be to prepare inside of the purpose you created us for as opposed to planning on our own and with only our thoughts, dreams and visions.
Today, my God, I claim loud and loudly that my friend and I will seek the purpose you planned for us when we were yet even being formed in our mothers’ wombs.
I claim loud and loudly that my friend and I will work diligently to increase our knowledge and skill BASED ON that purpose.
I claim loud and loudly that we will pray each and every night for the dreams and visions you have for our future, and that we will pray each and every day for you to guide our footsteps to follow that vision the way you’d have us follow it.
I claim loud and loudly that we will prepare for the enormous things you’ve called us to do in this world and we will, indeed, do them.
Oh, my Father, we could plan, but that would merely be entertainment for you. Let us prepare instead, for the purpose you’ve called us to. Amen.”
(Proverbs 19:21)