My “I Believe” necklace gets comments often. There is usually one of two questions. “Are you a Christian?” Or, “What do you believe?”
My response if they ask the first question is, “Yes, I am.” My response if the second question is posed is occasionally a recitation of ours company’s creed, which says, “I Believe… with God first, together with a positive attitude, a grateful heart and serving others, determination, education and adherence to a plan, I can be ANYTHING I want to be!!!”
Most of the time, when people ask the second question, I say, “I believe the word “believe” is the most powerful word in any language. It’s more powerful than the word love. People tell other people they love them everyday and don’t mean it.
It’s more powerful than faith. You can have faith, but still not believe something will take place for you or know the faith you have can work for you in a wonderful way.
To believe means to assume, expect, have an unwavering, immovable certainty that something is. So here’s today’s question. Concerning your business, your health or whatever life issue you’re facing right now, do you have unwavering, immovable certainty that you will see that take place? Do you KNOW that the reality you long for is, in fact, your reality? That’s

Photo Credit, cbszeto.
Specifically, do you KNOW that your business will be a household name, touch tens of thousands in a positive way, and achieve enormous financial goals or whatever else you hope for? Do you KNOW it?
You see, our belief controls everything. If we believe success is in the works, it will be. If we secretly (or worse yet, out loud) utter words of doubt or uncertainty, we simply will not see success occur. We won’t. Period.
How about your body? Do you know it will fit into the size jeans you want to get into, or are you wishing and hoping? Wishing and hoping are future occurrences, where believing is present tense. Can you already see yourself walking down the street carrying yourself with confidence? Can you see heads turning to watch you?
Do you hear the voice of the one you love saying, “Wow, do you ever look amazing!” Can you see the doctor shaking his head with a big grin on his face, telling you how wonderful it is that you no longer need the medication!?!?
If you can see it, hear it, feel it, you WILL live it! The sooner you start doing this, the sooner the reality will be yours.
Let’s talk about debt, bills, building your savings. Do you BELIEVE the collectors will stop calling? Can you SEE the number climbing in your savings or investment account? Are you CERTAIN you will retire with the income you want to retire with? What do you see yourself doing during that retirement? Where do you see yourself? Who are you with?
It’s this simple; all things occur due to belief. All things, positive or negative, occur due to positive or negative belief. What we believe determines EXACTLY where we end up.
So this is the simple test. What conversation goes on in your head? When you say, “I am a wealthy, healthy, full-of-life individual whose business or career is bursting with success,” do you grab that and get totally motivated?
Or does something inside say, “Yeah, whatever, you’re not that!” That’s where you begin. Write the belief building statement that reflects what you are, BECAUSE YOU ARE!!! You were born for success, heath and hope. You were born for happiness and abundance.
After I shared from the stage about thinking big enough, a man came up to me and asked, “I have no problem thinking big; I need to know how to do big. Actually I need to know how to believe bigger.” I’ll now share with you the answer I gave him.
First, you have to think bigger. Think of accomplishing more with your career, health and life than you’ve ever let yourself think before. If there were no limits, what would you look, feel and live like?
Now, who do you know that does that? You need that in your mind so you can think about what they do. What actions do they take daily? Start taking those actions. Two things are occurring when you do this. One, you’re building your belief by pouring the reality of someone else’s story into your mind. Two, you’re building your belief because you’re actually taking action and doing something!
Next, you have to believe bigger and that can come from doing bigger. OR you have to do bigger and that can come from believing (pouring in the stories). In either case, dreams coming true is the result. So, do you believe? Do you believe you are a spectacular gift to those around you?
Do you know you will see your goals achieved? Can you already imagine how next year will just blow this year away with results? Are you at a place where you’re just PINCHING yourself in awe that this is your life???