The most powerful warriors of all time played harps! History is worth repeating! Each and every one of us is responsible for something, and most likely several things, that require us to be tough-minded. I equate being tough-mind to the state of being a warrior.

Photo Credit, ItzaFineDay.
We are all in relationships where honesty is necessary and we must draw lines in the sand for what we stand for. Plus we lead businesses, ministries, political offices, homes, families and organizations… these are all places where we must make decisions, be stern at times, fulfill leadership roles and stand firmly for what we know needs take place. Hence, warrior-like, fearless, gallant, steadfast, decisive, quick, firm and equipped to fulfill the responsibility we have.
I believe we are called to lead and to continually acquire training so to win in the battles of life. But we are also called to be creative, to be tender, to love and to show love. This is a mighty calling, but it is the best way to live in order to be happy…. to be strong and tender, to be tough and nurturing, to be intelligent and creative. This is not only the best way to live, it is DOABLE. King David’s mightiest warriors all played instruments. Today and every day, let us be warriors who play harps.
(1 Chronicles 16:1-7)