When you catch yourself listing all the things you’ve messed up in your life, STOP! If you keep focusing on what you’ve messed up, you’re just going to get BETTER at MESSING UP! The best way to deal with these thoughts is to switch them.
Instead, list all the ways you can begin to have victory in those areas. Your energy rises, hope is restored and creativity soars! You’ll succeed when your mindset is one of success.
I can choose to look at the difficulty of a situation I’m facing, or I can choose to find the opportunity in it. I can choose anger over it not going the way I wanted, or I can be excited at the parts of it that ARE working. Either way, it’s MY choice.
Mindset is a choice. The people in life who win are the people who choose to see opportunity by looking at what is working and by improving what isn’t. The opportunity is right there

Photo Credit, Mi Pah.
in front of you. You just have to develop the habit of seeing it.
One of my mentors, Denis Waitley, is a master of mental habits and showing people how their circumstances can be used for their success, no matter who they are or where they come from. USA TODAY says “Denis Waitley’s motivation is more than money. His mission is to tell people they have more control over their destiny than they believe.”
I’m sooooo honored to be co-authoring a book on Habits with the awesome world-changer, because we both know the power of staying focused on our dreams, making plans and following through with right action! What plan will you make for tomorrow that will bring your dream closer…. and will you take action on that plan?