The words ‘money’ and ‘profit’… good words or bad words? Clean words or dirty words?
Some people think you can’t be devoted to making a difference if you are working on making money. Some think you can’t be successful at making money if you’re devoted to making a difference. Can profit and serving be used in unison, as opposed to opposition? I say profit helps you serve more people.
Come on people… I KNOW you are intelligent! Stop blaming money for the good or bad that money does. It’s really ridiculous to even think about it that way….. if you stop to think about it!
Money, in and of itself, is neither good nor bad. It is a tool. Just like any tool, it has no conscience, no emotions, no belief system. Tools are neither good nor bad, they are simply tools. A hammer can build a home or smash in a car window, it has no preference.
The same is true for money. Money is a tool and like any tool it can be used for good or evil. It can be used to save others or harm them. Use the tool well.
Did you know the LIFE IS GOOD tshirts that you love so much is located in Boston? After the attack during the Marathon, Bert Jacobs saw how other tshirts were marketing the strength of the people in Boston, and he felt that might be repressing the feeling about the hate crime.
He noticed how the whole city was opening their homes and rushing to the hospitals to give blood, and he created a shirt that reflected that, that said BOSTON on the front and

Photo Credit, AMagill.
He’s giving all profits to One Fund Boston. They raised nearly 1/2 million dollars. That’s using money as a wise tool. Doing the right thing is always the right thing to do.
The intent or motive of the one seeking and acquiring the money… that has EVERYTHING to do with whether it’s used as a good tool or a bad tool. Use the tool of money to bring healing and safety, not harm or suffering.
You’ll discover something very exciting, when you are wise with your money and choose to do the right things with it. You’ll find it brings its friends along as it builds. In other words, the more you grow it, the more it grows. The unexpected gift comes when you give one.
Pigs get fat… hogs get slaughtered. Don’t be a hog when it come to your cash. The more money you allow yourself to make, the more people you allow yourself to help.
A lack of money is never, ever, ever a problem. A lack of money is merely a symptom of what is going on underneath. What’s going on outside is a reflection of what we think inside. T. Harv Eker