In 2006 I decided that I had had enough of being obese and unhappy. So as many people do, I joined a local gym. One day at that gym, I was sitting on a bench tying my tennis shoes to go to the weight room, and I over-heard a man say to his friend, “Don’t you just love having all of these fat people here clogging up our workout room?” His friend laughed, “Well, they are just here for their New Year’s resolution. They won’t be here as of February!” I was very embarrassed, hurt, and angry. While even though I had paid for a year membership, I didn’t go back to that gym ever again. I hated to exercise anyway, so that just justified my desire not to return. I hated to sweat, make time to go to the gym, or be seen in any type of exercise clothes!
Fast forward three years. I was 50 pounds heavier than that day at the old gym. I still hated to exercise, yet I was so unhealthy that I was on blood pressure, cholesterol, and depression medicines. Walking up stairs was a major challenge, and in my profession as a high school marching band director, that is not good at all. All week I would work 50-90 hours, go home exhausted and eat all that I wanted. My feet, knees, and back hurt constantly. Each weekend I didn’t get out of bed unless I wanted to eat or I had to work. I wore a really tight size 28 and chose clothes just because they would fit, not because they looked pretty. I dreaded long work days with fear. I wanted to just stay in bed! I was always exhausted. My favorite thing to do was to just plop on the couch, eat, and watch TV. I was miserable, depressed, and contemplated suicide to just be done with everything!
I heard a commercial, “It’s not about what you are eating. It’s about what is eating you”. So, on August 1st, 2009, I walked into the doors of “Thin & Healthy’s Total Solution” and my

Photo Credit, familymwr.
entire world began an amazing journey of life-altering changes, challenges, and inspirations. I began having weight loss success and within a few weeks wanted to make sure that I avoided having “extra skin” on my arms and tummy due to the weight loss. So I hired a trainer. My first workout was a physical test and my results were horrible! I had to walk one mile on the tread mill as fast as I could, which took me 26 long minutes. I couldn’t do a sit-up much less a push-up. I felt embarrassed remembering the “fat people” comment three years ago at the last gym. However, Elisha was very kind and had several positive comments even though I was so unhealthy and over weight. She made me feel comfortable about my size and confident that I could progress quickly by exercising with her.
Everyone at this gym was nice, friendly, and personable! I could have a really bad day, go to the gym, and go home feeling awesome. All I could think about was that I had finally found a place where I could start where I was, and get to where I wanted to be with out being embarrassed! Everyone made me feel loved, accepted, and cared for while I was there. They would even call me if I had not been there for a few days! Soon, I noticed that every day I walked into that gym, I felt like Norm in the “Cheers” TV show! Everyone would say “Erin!”, “Hi!”, “Great to see you!”,” How are you?”, or “You look great!” and more! Not only were they helping me change my outer appearance, but they were changing how I looked at myself from the inside out! I found that I really liked going to the gym!
I worked out with my trainer and attended Life Coaching sessions with the qualified Life Coach, Katie. Having gradual, yet consistent success and achievements in my training and weight loss, I found that I craved the workouts more than food. I began looking forward to going to my workout. The sweating didn’t bother me anymore because I knew that I was working hard and burning calories. I found that the more I exercised, the better I felt both physically and mentally! My stress level decreased and I felt much happier about life! I began to see major results in my body too. With-in a 3 month period, I lost 3 inches in each upper arm! I could think much more clearly and discovered I had a bounce in my step. Then, after just 6 months into my workouts with Elisha, I decided to train for a half marathon! I began working out with Elisha three days per week and walking/jogging three days per week. Still attending Life Coaching sessions was also motivating to me. This helped me figure out what my future goals were and how I wanted to live my life as a happier healthy me.
Still having a very busy schedule that would dictate early morning workouts, I would travel to the gym at 4:45am for an hour workout. I showered, put on my trendy, cute, awesome outfit, and would go to work for a 12+ hour day! I was so excited that I had discovered this new attitude in life!!!!! Before you could not get me out of bed for breakfast, and now I’m at the gym working out at 5:30AM!!!!
Just 17 months into my personal training, (January 2011) I completed a half marathon in less than three hours, earning a completer’s medal! My life now is completely different than it was in 2009! I no longer need any medications, I have amazing energy, and I’m completely happy with my life! I can wear clothes that I love. And I truly enjoy life. I feel like I did in my early 20s. I have lost over 8 FEET in inches without flabby skin! Eat healthy foods such as fresh fruits and vegetables. I can do 48 “guy” push-ups in just one minute, jog an eleven minute mile, do an amazing amount of crunches, and leap-up onto tall marching band podiums in a single bound! I love going to the gym and working out with fellow gym rats of all shapes and sizes! I never thought that I would consider myself a “gym rat” but I can’t deny that label and I happily claim it!
So as you can see, there were several things that motivated me to truly want to become a “gym rat”. These things are;
• Finding a gym that also combines a weight loss program.
• Finding a weight loss program that incorporates exercise.
• Finding a gym that has highly qualified personal trainer and will work with all types of bodies
• Having staff and trainers that truly meet people where they are.
• Staff personally contacts members who have been absent.
• Staff has a motivating philosophy for all members which shows through personal conversations, literature, books, tapes, CDs, room decorations, Life Success sessions, and exercise classes.
• A highly qualified Life Coach who can guide clients to great victories.
• Staff that is flexible to accommodate busy schedules. And a gym facility that is open 24/7.
• Staff focuses on the client’s victories and goals with celebration and a positive attitude.
• “Rewards” are given for victories such as ribbons that are the length of inches lost, a bell is rang for a great workout, a bell is rang for pounds lost, and even “mile-marker” parades for 20, 30, etc, pounds lost. Victories are always a big celebration!
Happy to be a Thin & Healthy’s, Total Solution Gym Rat, Erin Grim
You CAN experience the same life-altering results as Erin. Find out how at