In the past, I’ve shared the words with you “I’m on a mission.” My exact words were, “I’m on a mission to create happiness, hope, health, encouragement and success in the world.” I also shared the observation that this is a big job. As I reviewed videos recently from the Fitness Insider show we shot in Las Vegas, I was reminded about the important of the Funnel For Permanent Weight Loss and Fitness Results.

Photo Credit, desi.italy.
gosh, that’s IT!!” “That’s incredible! Do you have that written down somewhere?” “WOW! This is EXACTLY what people need to hear! This makes so much sense! No one addresses this and this really is the problem!” Those words inspired me to know we are MORE than on the right track with Life Success!
I am so humbled to have been given this idea. I’m certain I can’t possibly be this smart, so it HAS to be God! Imagine… our little company coming up with the KEY to solving the overweight problem in our nations!!!
So how do we begin to get this message out and practice it ourselves? One, listen to and internalize the Motivation Assassinators. Two, review the Funnel and tie it into Life Success. Three, (and MOST importantly) practice Life Success yourself! We need to walk our talk, practice what we preach and live our belief out loud!!
Simply take the same approach I gave for my members, because this work for ANYTHING, not just weight loss. Ask yourself, “Why aren’t you where you want to be? What’s stopping you? Always keep it simple, one of two things, so the funnel will work.
Once decided why you’re not doing what you need to do, or why you’re doing what you shouldn’t be doing, ask yourself, “WHY?” Then go to F.B. Heest from the Motivation Assassinators. You’ll then know where to go inside of Life Success to begin to get your solution. I’m willing to guarantee this!!! Did you read that? I’m willing to GUARANTEE that you’ll achieve the goals you want to achieve when you plug in what Life Success can teach you.
So, in the words of Tim McGraw, “How bad do you want it? How bad do you need it? Are you eatin’, sleepin’, dreamin’ with that one thing on your mind? How bad do you want it?”
Remember, life is SHORT. What do you intend to do with yours? Do you intend to really live the years or just be around while they go by? What on earth are you here for???? Do you want to experience everything from watching the birth of a baby to driving the Autobahn in Germany?
Do you have your own specific “I know what I’d be doing, what I’d be wearing, how I’d be feeling, who I’d be with, where I’d be at” goals in mind? Do you embrace the fact that we have to DO before we can have and we must BE before we can do?
Are you asking God regularly, “What are you trying to show me? What’s the lesson in this for ME?” Are you stopping to smell the flowers and not missing the moments that really matter?
See, Life Success helps you do all this. You learn to better your relationships, make more money, soar in your career, and become healthier. Life Success is the key. It provides the inspiration, education and tools you need in order to tap into the motivation and determination which lie within you that will result in you achieving your goals! It’s in there. IT’S IN THERE!!!!
Why on earth would you stay where you are in life? Why wouldn’t you want to become all you were indeed created to become? To whom much is given, much is required. Be faithful in the small things and you’ll be given great things.
All this summed up means one thing. Life is short and we’re given talents so we can turn around and give back to others with those talents. And when we’ll use what we have to be good at what we do, we’ll be given more and more to be good at, so what we do gets easier and easier.
It’s my prayer you’ll become sold out to this message, to this purpose and to getting the words and their meaning into other people’s hearts and minds. If you “get it”, let me know. If you don’t, tell me, so I can learn to get better at explaining it. If you’ll share the message, tell me. If you’re excited and can even see all the differences we could make with this, fill me in.
I’m asking for those of you who will get on board for something bigger than ourselves to tell me. Please don’t think I automatically know. I hope to receive an email from you at Now go change some lives for the better!!!!!!!!!!!!!!