Doubling your income is easier than you think, no matter what kind of success you’re looking for. You’ll double your success simply by setting a specific goal. You can GUARANTEE that doubled income by getting an accountability partner or coach.
First, decide what financial success means to you. We’ll start in just a bit with finances. Not that money is the most important thing, but as Zig Ziglar says, “It is right up there with oxygen.”
It starts with a dream. I have a big dream to help people achieve their big dream, but I didn’t always have that big dream. I used to have smaller ‘big’ dreams, like earning a certain income or taking many vacations or living in a certain home. My dreams were smaller in size because that’s where I was in life. Once at a new place, my dreams grew. My dreams got

Photo Credit, AMagill.
bigger each time I arrived at a new level.
There is no right or wrong dream. But what is crucial is that you have one. A dream is BIG. Your dream should not be to make the car payment next month; that’s a goal. Dreaming comes from asking questions like, “If I had a million dollars right now, what would I do? If I could be world famous for something, what would I want it to be?” Your dream will pull you forward.
But here’s the key point: the dream allows you to set the goal. The Transformation Equation© proves it. Wherever you are right now, if you want to transform your life and go to new level, use this equation.
D + G + P + W = R. (Dreams + Goals + Plan + Work = Results). This works for any result, but the four components of the equation need to be there.
Do you see where goal is? It’s between dream and plan. Many times people go to training, a seminar, read a book or listen to an audio, and say, “That’s a good plan. I am going to work that plan.” But if they didn’t set a goal first, they’re trying to work this plan, trying to plug in this system, but they don’t know their purpose. Failure is imminent.
Or people set a goal that is not based on a dream. If you set goals not based on any dream, you are probably going to end up setting goals like making the car payment next month, which is not headed towards something bigger. This isn’t really a goal, it’s just existing. Goals move us forward. They’re not status quo. The dream is crucial.
We have just a few months left in the year right now. You can STILL achieve all the goals you set for this year by simply following the exercise below. According to global experts and sages throughout history, there are 5 main areas of life that dictate our being happy, healthy and successful. Simply write what your goals were in these areas, going into this year.
If you’re in need of a little clarification, financial means money; income, savings, investments, assets purchased, etc. Physical means health issues, weight, fitness level or appearance and mental sharpness. Relational is about making friends, keeping friends, building memories, serving your community, loving on your family, asking forgiveness or forgiving. Recreational means the things you do for fun, outside of work. Spiritual means having peace rather than anxiety or depression. For me, it means being certain God’s got this. Faith instead of fear, joy instead of worry. If you don’t believe in God, maybe your spiritual goal might be to determine if He is real.
You’re three quarters of the way through the year. How are you doing? We’re all in one of three places, as are you. You’re either blowing your goals away, you’re pretty on target, or you’re saying, “I am so far behind! What am I going to do with myself?!”
Write down some of the successes that you’ve had in the first nine months of this year.
Also, I cannot express how important it is to have someone you can bounce ideas off of, a mentor to talk with, learn from and set goals with, who will tell you the truth rather than what you want to hear.”
If you want to guarantee you’ll achieve your goals this year, get a coach. This is how successful people blow their goals away. The right accountability partner must have systems that will help you go further, they need to have already succeeded and they need to be a constant learner so they will pour into you what they are getting. They need to be a cheerleader, but not a shoulder to cry on. You want somebody who will be honest with you and that can truly help you grow… not just a friend. Actually, it’s better if it’s not a friend. Meet with them at least once a month and change your goals every month.
Remember, there are three groups of people. There’s the group who is blowing the goal away, those pretty much on target, and then the group who is falling short. All three groups can still achieve the goal. But big dreams need great systems. We believe in people and their dreams, and we are able to make dreams come true because we give people systems.
You’ve probably already started thinking about what you need to do to still make your goals happen. If not, think about that now. What action steps do you need to take in order to achieve the goals you set for the year? Be specific, because the more specific your plan is, the more likely you are to achieve your goal.
Going back to your answers in the five main areas, list the specific actions steps you need to take to get where you want to go and begin acting on them now! Then make sure you have an accountability partner to help you stick with them!