We’re all born with gifts. All of us, each and every one. Sadly, some of us never realize our gifts, or even worse, are too afraid to reveal them. The truth is, our gifts are God-given, and should be celebrated. They’re given to us to make our lives more enjoyable, and the lives of those around us more rewarding.

Norman Cousins said “The tragedy of life is not death but what we let die inside us while we live.” I believe this is the true cost of living a false life and not being true to ourselves.

What have you let die in your endeavors to fit in and meet others’ expectations? Did you tame your curiosity? Silence your opinions? Shelve your dreams? Table your ambitions? Tuck away your feelings?

Each day you wake up and pretend to be what you aren’t, a little piece of you dies. The question then becomes, can you revive these pieces later or are they gone forever?

–Gary Gzik