As I’ve shared over the last couple of weeks, when I look back over my successes, I see one common denominator: The indescribable passion to see people achieve all they were created to achieve, to help them get passed whatever is holding them back and to tap into their own passion. While speaking in Toronto a couple of weeks ago and while sharing with hotel staff in Germany… or anyone else that would listen… I saw the same things again.
I’ve answered questions I received during my Victory Principle session. They were mainly about balance. Here’s a link to that article.
I also spoke on Making Money While You Sleep, Profitable Weight Loss in Your Business and Turning the Most Difficult People into the Most Productive. As I’ve stated over the last

Photo Credit, ppdigital.
couple of weeks, when I looked over the questions I received during these sessions, it occurred to me that you may have some of these very same questions. So, I’ve been sharing the answers with you in these articles.
Today is the third of a 4-article series. Today we’ll talk about the questions I received regarding the session Mastering Your Marketing Mind-Profitable Weight Loss Inside of Your Business. There were questions about how to build marketing collaborations with very high leverage people and businesses by joining what you do now with a weight loss component. They also wanted to know how to get a business going inside of another business. I was asked how much time, money and effort would be involved, how a person can gain their next 100K by adding weight loss income to what they do, and how to do it and still have personal time. Guess what? You can do it and have MORE personal time!! Woo hoo!!! Know this… whatever you do for a living, even if you’re a stay-at-home mom, you can be making money with our unique concept in weight loss and it can be helping you to lose weight too! The questions appear below in bold type with the answers following.
1. How does a weight loss component help me and my business get associated with high leverage people and businesses?
Weight loss is the number one topic of human interest for buyers in our market. When you offer substantiated information from a highly-established source you will become a regular contact for media. Psychologists, gyms, massage therapists, chiropractors, medical doctors, and others are looking for someone to help them help their customers. When you offer a result-producing program, you become the expert, and guess who wants to work with you now? All the folks I just mentioned, plus community organization, churches, civic works, and not-for-profits. When you have the info the world wants, the world wants to work with you!
2. What steps do I take to put a weight loss business inside of my business now?
I can answer best concerning our concept, naturally. If you’re still looking for which concept to use, be sure you do a Discovery Day so you can see their concept in action and ask lots of questions.
If you’re looking at putting something together on your own, be sure to check with your local and state laws; there are some pretty tight guidelines relating to weight loss. Also, use material from the best coaches, personal trainers, psychologists, doctors, counselors, etc when building your program.
Regarding our program, you only need a desk, a couple of chairs, a place for a scale and a filing cabinet, and you’re ready to go! We provide you with a proven system, which results in at least 50% of your customer base purchasing your weight loss component. Click this link for more info on getting this training.
3. How do I get people to want me? What should my press releases say?
Talk about your highly unique product or service. Don’t say what everyone else is saying. Tie every press release into a current event and/or season. Send them continuously! Be sure they’re loaded with content so you appear to be the expert.
4. Honestly, how much time, money and effort do I have to put forth to see money come back to me with a weight loss business?
We could show you how to generate income this very afternoon! For our business-inside-a-business model that has brought so many to the $1,000,000 mark, your investment is so little that you could put it on a credit card. Businesses that take 3-5 years to bring you any money cost 10-20 times what we ask. Why do we do this? Because we believe in sowing and reaping; the more people we help succeed, the more blessings we see!
You’ll need training, which can be done in Ohio, in your location or over the web. Effort to see income happen is as little as nothing extra (you just offer it when you’re offering what you currently offer) to a great deal (because you want to attract the 67% of the market place that isn’t coming to your business now, but that will come when you offer weight loss.) The effort you put forth is based on your desires.
5. How do I get a TV program?
See answer 3. You need to be highly unique. Be aware that the station or network wants advertising dollars and that comes with high viewership. Tell them how your ideas will bring more viewers. Take them proof (testimonials) of what you can do and if you can go with a demo tape (pilot episode) they love that!
6. How do I make the extra 100K you were talking about? Is it that simple?
Oh my… it’s so simple! Our lowest performing locations sell 3 programs a week. That alone will generate over 200k!! By the way—our best locations generate far over a million dollars a year!
7. Can I add a weight loss business to what I do and still have balance and personal time?
Absolutely! One of the topics I specialize in teaching is balance. When you join our team, you don’t just get a weight loss component that will bring you a great income, you get access to all the info I personally share with the world through books, audios, videos and appearances. I’ll share with you how to practice healthy selfishness, meaning you’ll learn how to do the things you want to do, not just the things you need to do.
8. What if I have no business just yet? Can I use your weight loss concept to make more money somehow?
Yep! We offer an affiliate model in which all you need is access to the Internet, and a facilitated model where all you need is access to a meeting room you can use once a week. A group such as a church women’s group, a charity with an interest in weight loss, a school that’s looking for help with keeping their kids and community healthier, or any other number of groups could help you with this, and you’re in business! Of course you could present your weight loss business to another business too! It doesn’t have to be your own business; you just need access to their customers.
9. I have a small Pilates and personal training studio. What’s the best way for me to market weight loss?
First, market to your existing members, then offer a great referral promo and contest (like Biggest Loser). Recognize the winners at a party where your members invite their friends. Offer a special, plus invite the media to cover the winners receiving their awards. Remember, word of mouth is the best advertising, so tell your members to tell your friends. We even thank them with gifts and discounts for doing so! People love recognition!