There’s a great a story of old that you might relate to the way I do. It contains an incomparable life lesson that, when learned from, changes your world for the better… no for the MAGNIFICENT! It’s a story of an extremely elderly couple that wanted a child. That in and of it self was crazy because she was well past childbearing years. Yet a highly knowledgeable medical expert told her with absolutely certainty that she would, in fact, have a child. When this was being discussed with her husband, it’s recorded that she laughed out loud. In the end the child was born. At a record-breaking old age, she gave birth to son. She laughed, but her husband believed. She most likely spent her days rolling her eyes at what had been said, scoffing the promise given to her, looking at the circumstances in life and being certain it wouldn’t happen. Her husband likely spent his planning for the memories he’d make with his child, imagining the love they’d share, the laughter, the joy of a promise fulfilled. Which one’s life do you suppose was easier while waiting on the child to be born?
I don’t propose that we live in a ‘Pollyanna’ world. I know we need to be aware of the facts. I simply propose that most of what we don’t achieve is because we don’t believe it will ever take place. We focus on the appearance, the sight, of things- rather than the hope, faith and belief of them. We even speak this stuff out loud, “It’s not going to happen. I’ve been lied to again! I knew it! I knew it was too good to be true! Why did I even expect it? It’s just not in the cards for me.” Each time we say, “I can’t make any money at this,” we solidify that we will NEVER make any money at this.
I propose that we believe in the promise. You know the one. The one that caused you to take this position, purchase this license, enter this venture in the first place. And then I propose that we behave accordingly. We need to think, speak and act like we know those promises are going to come to pass. You spend your time working in a business that changes lives in an over-the-top positive way. Do you REALLY believe that? Does your behavior and paycheck or profit reveal that? Hmmmm. In case you’re interested, I’ve recorded some steps for making it happen.

Photo Credit, cbszeto.
To be in a pro-active belief, opposed to being in a state of control means to behave like you know something that you want is going to take place, to be living, thinking, talking and behaving that way even before it happens, but not forcing it. I have to live in the promises I believe have been given to me. I absolutely cannot be pro-active if I’m not focused on that. Then I have to do my part. I have to do the work. How can I expect to arrive somewhere if I don’t know where it is I’m going in the first place? When I aim at nothing- I’ll hit it EVERY SINGLE TIME!! I must have a focus on the promises.
Anything I’ve ever wanted to do, anywhere I’ve ever wanted to go, anything I’ve ever wanted to be can be mine when I live like this. I’m proof this works. Doubt, negative words and fear have only brought me pain and loss. Standing FIRMLY on belief, on the other hand, has brought me happiness, health and prosperity beyond expectation!!
Stay tuned next week when I explain how you can make believing work for you?