This is Part 2 of my Building Healthy Wealth series.. please visit Part 1 here.

In 1947, my mother went to work for Stanley Home Products. At 90 years of age (65 years later) she still had a cabinet full of stock and a handwritten inventory on the door. One day when I was taking care of her, a call came in for an order. (She still had the marketing magnet on her car with her phone number on it so prospects could reach her.) I took the order from the woman, checking with my mom to be sure I had everything correct. She said, “Get a pen so I can make sure my contact information is on everything.”

She then told me where she kept her thank you gifts and, even with it so hard for her to write anymore, she scribbled a handwritten thank you note, like she had always done. Of course we included a catalog with contact info too, to make it easier when they needed to order more, because she believed that once they’d experienced Stanley Home Products, they’d never go back to using anything else. She was dedicated and loyal to her product, as it should be. She taught us that marketing means making a positive difference and selling means serving.
Healthy Wealth Building Point No. 6- ALWAYS BE MARKETING, SERVE WHEN YOU SELL, DELIVER WITH AN AUTHENTIC SMILE, ASK THEM TO PURCHASE MORE AND PURCHASE AGAIN. This is the key to building monetary wealth, as well as the kind of wealth money can’t buy. Display contact info everywhere. Send hand-written thank-you notes. Send an unexpected thank you gift. Educate and inform, then ask your prospect or customer to purchase more. Over deliver with joy and enthusiasm and they’ll never purchase from anyone else. Remember, these are philosophies I’ve applied in my company, going from 0 to 100 Million dollars worth of our programs sold.