You and I have something in common. We have a business. I have a business, you have a business, and when we have a business, we know that we have to market. When we market, what we like is to get a nice return on our investment, to not only get back the money we’ve invested, but more and more, in excess and running over, if you will. I was raised on something that you may have heard of, too. What we sow, so also shall we reap. That means when we invest in marketing, we will get back.

Well, there needs to be some intelligence put to it, and maybe a little bit of luck and some major blessings, too. When I’m blessed financially, my family is blessed, my team is blessed. The same is true for you. What you sow, so also shall you reap. You put forth in marketing and you get back. I love the end of that – good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over. You may think, “What the heck does that mean, Donna?

Picture a container, and put a good measure of something in it. You pack it down, you press it down as tight as you can get it, and you shake it together so there’s no room for moving around, it’s just packed tight in there. That means there is as much in that container as you can possibly get. Picture flour maybe, and then it’s running over, just running over the top. That’s what good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over means.

I’ve found a marketing avenue, a marketing technique that is giving me good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over results. I have to tell you about it. I’m not selling you anything. I’m just going to tell you what it is, and you do with that information what you will. But I’m going to tell you friend to friend, you need to apply this to your business. I run television. I run radio. I run print. I run direct mail. I run pay-per-click. I run Facebook campaigns. We do referrals. There’s just not a form of marketing that we don’t do, and I have never seen a return like this one. You can believe I’m going to do it every month.

Why every month? Because it’s birthday card income marketing. I’ve never seen anything like it. Do your prospects have birthdays? That’s kind of a silly question, right? It goes like this. If I asked you to give me $10, would you hand me $10 if I would give you $100 back? Of course, you would. No catches, I’m just asking you to trade. How about give me $10 and I’ll give you $150 back? How about give me $10 and I’ll give you $200 back? How about $250? Give me $10 and I’ll give you $250 back. That’s what I got back on birthday card income marketing.

I invested $500. Your amount might be the same or it might be different, depending on how many birthdays there are in the demographic that you want to reach, but in my demographic that I wanted to reach, it was $500. I got $12,500 back when I invested $500. It’s a 25 times return on my investment, a 2500% return. I’m still pinching myself. Is this real? Well, we’re doing it every month because we’re seeing this kind of return coming back.

It’s very simple. You send the right direct mail card, and by “right,” I mean that you put the right campaign, the right offer in there; we really crafted ours. I’d be happy to help you craft yours if you want the help. We put the right offer in there and we sent it out to our prospects and couldn’t believe what happened. Again, 2500% return; there’s nothing out there that’s ever given me that. If you want more information, feel free to call us at 866-260-8446.

This is an amazing marketing technique that I’ve found and I’ve never seen a return like this. The world needs to know about this. This is about Purpose Led Profit. This gets our message out and it makes us money, and that’s what you do when you’re in business with a purpose. I love being in business with a purpose and I love good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over success.