It is no surprise that the feedback I have been getting for the goals workshop would be about getting through some of the obstacles that life has thrown our way…

How to achieve VICTORY during the “battles” of life..

What are you battling through?

The definition of a victory is this, *supremacy in battle by the defeating of an enemy or opponent*.

Well, life, marriage, business, ministry, whatever–can surely feel like a BATTLE at times, so the definition is a welcome one!

Victories can be accomplished in one of three ways.

One, when the actual goal has been hit (the size desired has been achieved, the weight has been lost, the debt is gone, the income is reached, etc).

Two, an obstacle that could have prevented or could prevent the victory was overcome (wanting to sit and stare at the TV and getting up and taking a walk, reading book, or journaling instead, needing and emotional pick up from a Snickers bar and eating a healthy snack in its place, wanting to react to your boss and choosing to calmly communicate instead). These are all victories!

And there’s yet one more way to determine you’ve achieved victory. Every little step in the right direction toward the goal is a victory too! In other words, when you lose a ¼ pound- that’s a victory! When your goal is to save money and you’ve saved $5.00- victory! When your goal was to improve your marriage and you went on a date last weekend- VICTORY! When you hoped to move forward in your career and you had a great evaluation at work— you’ve got it— VICTORY!!!

Count your victories throughout the day and keep track of them. At the end of each week, read over them and recognize all you have accomplished in just one week.

This little nugget is just one of many I will be revealing at my Goals Workshop!  With tools like this you will be able to maintain momentum as you achieve your goals.

On of the many reasons we “run out of steam” when we are chasing our dreams is because we forget to take the time to slow down and count our victories.

Join me at my Goals Workshop on December 8th and I will show you how to maintain this endless focus of counting your victories and find success in 2010!!

Click Here To Learn More About How The Goals Workshop Will Help You Achieve Your Goals In 2010!